Keep those bridges unburnt: How to quit that bad job on a high note

Keep those bridges unburnt: How to quit that bad job on a high note

by Eleni Deacon, Metro May 11, 2015

It may be difficult, but never burn those bridges!

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Insurance Job Interview Tips

Insurance Job Interview Tips

by Cassandra Jowett, Talent Egg May 8, 2015

What To Expect, How To Prepare And Follow Up

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April 2015 Movie Pass Giveaway Contest (Closed)

April 2015 Movie Pass Giveaway Contest (Closed)

by May 5, 2015

Congratulations to Sneh Lata Punni, winner of our (10) Movie Pass Giveaway Contest.

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12 Surprising Job Interview Tips

12 Surprising Job Interview Tips

by Forbes May 4, 2015

You’re almost there. Your resume landed you an interview and now it’s time to seal the deal. So what’s the best way to prepare? To find the answer, I looked back on my interviews, sifted through research, and most importantly, asked employees from (…)

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Interview Skills, Candidate Profiles, and Hiring Managers

Interview Skills, Candidate Profiles, and Hiring Managers

by Kristen Harcourt, The McQuaig Institute May 1, 2015

What do HR professionals have to say about Hiring Managers?

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Insurance Sector Jobs Increase to Record Levels

Insurance Sector Jobs Increase to Record Levels

by Jamie Henry, Insurance Business May 1, 2015

Among the 78 companies surveyed there were 7,262 jobs open and more than 8 out of 10 companies said they have current openings.

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Data and Technology are Starting to Up-End the Insurance Business

Data and Technology are Starting to Up-End the Insurance Business

by The Economist April 29, 2015

Insurers typically rely on blunter proxies to assess risk—age, sex and marital status, for instance. But assuming that all young, single, male drivers are reckless, for example, and that middle-aged, married, female ones are cautious is often (…)

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10 Unconventional (But Very Effective) Tips For Job Seekers

10 Unconventional (But Very Effective) Tips For Job Seekers

by Forbes April 27, 2015

In the market for a new job? You’ve probably been urged to “pursue your passions,” “leverage your network,” “tailor and tidy up your resume,” “do your homework,” and “dress for success”—among other things.

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La Rentree:  The Fifth Season.

La Rentree: The Fifth Season.

by Michelle Straka, September 5, 2014

Back to School.  According to the French it’s more accurately known as la rentree.  To re-enter regular life or get back to normal.  That is really what this time of year is all about. As the summer winds down and kids are back (…)

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Big Data Predicting Employee Turnover

Big Data Predicting Employee Turnover

by Marginal Revolution July 11, 2014

This is for call center operators: The results are surprising. Some are quirky: employees who are members of one or two social networks were found to stay in their job for longer than those who belonged to four or more social networks (Xerox (…)

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