Start your recruitment strategy with job postings and resume search! Choose one of our best starter packages and get reduced price on job postings and more.

Job posting

Post jobs. Edit them anytime. Buy more than one at a time to get a better price per posting. Buy now, use anytime.

Single Job Posting, 60 days each (Buy now, Post anytime)


Flash Sale - 30% OFF 2 Job Postings - 60 days each - (Buy now, post anytime)


3 Job Postings, 60 Days Each - (Buy now, post anytime)


5 Job Postings , 60 days each - (Buy now, post anytime)


10 Job Postings, 60 days each - $335.00 per Posting (Buy now, post anytime)


Single Year Long Job Posting, 365 days each (Buy now, post anytime)


Resume Search Privileges

Thousands of resumes across Canada. Updated every six months. Powerful search engine means quick results.

48 Hours of Resume Search + Resume Alerts


7 Days of Resume Search + Resume Alerts


1 Month of Resume Search + Resume Alerts


2 Months of Resume Search + Resume Alerts


3 Months of Resume Search + Resume Alerts


12 Months of Resume Search + Resume Alerts


Additional services

Now purchase one or more of our additional services to take your recruiting strategy to great levels

Company Fan Page, 365 Day Listing


Email Marketing Blast to 48,000+ Active Jobseekers


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