Predictions 2025: Tech Spending Will Surge, But Can AI Deliver On Its Promises For Insurance In 2025?
par 15 janvier 2025A year ago, we predicted a more stable, if not stellar, performance for insurers in 2024 after a couple of years of higher-than-expected claims costs. In 2025, we predict that insurers will continue to pass on higher costs of rising claims expenses (…)
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L’Ontario propose davantage de garanties facultatives
par Thompson's World Insurance News 28 octobre 2024Une NOUVELLE proposition du gouvernement de l’Ontario visant à rendre facultative la quasi-totalité des couvertures d’assurance automobile en cas d’accident suscite certaines inquiétudes.
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par Lucy Arkell 19 novembre 2021Why top execs are all focused on cognitive diversity
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Four Ways for Selecting & Developing Capable, Confident Leaders
par Lucy Arkell 1er juillet 2021During times of economic uncertainty, shifting work conditions, and global crises, organizations need capable leaders that drive results more than ever. They need leaders who can adapt to change, maintain communication, and guide their (…)
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State of Hiring…Insights into Challenges & Opportunities Facing Hiring Managers in 2021
par Lucy Arkell 9 avril 2021The Effects of Covid-19
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5 Steps to Reducing Bias in Your Hiring Process
par Lucy Arkell, General Manager 13 janvier 20215 Steps to Reducing Bias in Your Hiring Process
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Job Fit = Job Success
par Lucy Arkell, General Manager 23 septembre 2020“Employees who are well matched to their jobs are 2.5 times more productive.” These are the findings of a Harvard Business Review study that followed 360 000 people through their careers over a 20-year period. The study identified (…)
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Sept choses que vous pouvez faire dès maintenant pour réussir votre prochain changement d'emploi
par The Balance Careers - Madeleine Burrey 23 janvier 2019Searching for your next career opportunity can be a stressful and time consuming process, especially when you are already employed elsewhere. But - there are simple things you can do to start preparing for the application process before you even (…)
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Comment rendre votre LinkedIn populaire auprès des recruteurs
par 14 décembre 2018LinkedIn has come a long way. What was once a stuffy social network that you likely rarely checked (and much less often updated) has now become the primary place for recruiters to scout new talent that they otherwise wouldn’t easily come (…)
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4 moyens simples d'accroître votre visibilité professionnelle
par Forbes 30 novembre 2018Joseph Liu of Forbes Careers shares his insight on how to build professional visibility within your organization, industry, and professional network with four bright ideas (Read More)
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